Sunday, March 8, 2009


I know, 2 posts in 2 days! I am really out doing myself. Well, you know me, I am either hot or cold. I get on a kick and then I completely break from it for a long time. Anyway, Jake was lying on our bed the other night reading the newspaper as I was playing with Mason and Tylie was jumping on the bed not paying attention to anything particular. As Jake laid down one section and picked up another, Tylie grabbed the one he had just been looking at and ripped it open again. "Look Dad," she exclaimed, "it's 'Omabama'!!!" What???? Jake looked at me with eyes as big as grapefruits in complete disbelief. I asked her to show me and sure enough she brought me the paper and there was a small picture of Obama talking to Hilary. Now I am like any other parent and like to think that my child is some kind of Einstein child but I never imagined that she knew who Obama was. Jake and I try to keep up with the world and we often watch Fox News at night but I guess we watched it more then we realized. I asked Tylie who 'Omabama' was and she simply said " he is on TV". OH!! Of course. "What does he do?" I asked her. "He talks a lot." Well, even at three years old, she has politicians all figured out!


Our Busy and Chaotic Life said...

Ang- you HAVE really out done yourself and we love it! Tylie cracks me up. You just never know what they will come up with next.I wished we lived closer, I can only imagine the conversations between her and Garrison.
Keep up the recent posting, we love to hear what is going on!

Erica said...

That's so cute that Tylie knows who President "Omabama" is! ;o) Even better that she knows that politicians talk alot. She is such a smart little thing! :o)