Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Eternity ahead

September 4 marked 6 years that Jake and I have been married. It is so strange every year that passes by. I find myself feeling like we have only been married a few moments in time but also like I have been with him forever and can't really remember what life was like without him. I remember when Jake was still on his mission and he was getting close to coming home, he sent me a CD for my birthday that he made me. It was the first CD that I had ever recieved that wasn't just burned; he had actually taken the time to narrate the whole CD. Nothing could have meant more to me than that one simple gift. I think there was just something about hearing his voice talking directly to me. It was the voice that I had craved for so long and there it was. I was laying on my bed late at night with tears streaming down my face and ear buds in my ears. In that CD he said many things that I hold dear to my heart but he described life and things that happen in a perfect way. He said that we have significant times in our life that we can measure life as "before this and after this." Jake was definately one of those moments. He turned my world upside down, threw me on a roller coaster and told me to hold on. I am a pretty conservative person that tends to get stuck in a rut but Jake will never allow that to happen. If he even so much as sees a dent in the ground that could become a rut, he bails out and finds something new. He keeps me on my toes and has taught me many lessons of faith and leaning on each other. Six years have come and gone quickly. I have loved the roller coaster that he keeps me on. I love that just when I think I am finally able to release the lap bar and get out, he laughs and hits the green button again but this time I am going backwards. I never know what to expect from him and that is probably the best part of him. "No glass ceiling" really is a great phrase to describe the way Jake looks at life. As great as the past six years have been I really believe that the next several years are not going to be the same. I believe they are only going to be six times better!


Kristy said...

Happy Anniversary!! I can't believe it has been 6 years already. We are approaching our anniversary too!

Erica said...

Happy 6th Anniversary, Andrea and Jake! We love you guys! :o)

Carrie said...

Happy Anniversary you two!