Monday, September 21, 2009

Burnin' a hole

This past week Jake and I couldn't help ourselves. We had a little extra cash burning a hole in our pockets and we set out to spend it. We decided to blow it on the most frivolous thing you can find. A place that you can buy over priced soda, ride rusty old rides for a amusement park price, and see the "tiniest horse on earth" for only two dollars! The state fair. Every minute that I was there I could loudly hear our money being flushed away on crap. From the moment we paid to park on dirt to the moment we walked bought our final bag of popcorn, it was a bit agonizing for me. BUT- Tylie had a smile plastered on her face the entire night so that made it all worth it. Mason loved wondering through the barns and finding all the animals. Tylie loved flinging herself down one slide and on to the next. She ran from ride to ride and booth to booth. Jake calmly followed her with a wad of ones in hand ready dole out to the next hungry game shark. I sat back and enjoyed a little people watching. There is never a better place to find such and eclectic group of people. Jake works in Salt Lake so we met him up there and right after work. It was pretty entertaining to watch him wander through the tube tops and wife beaters in his cuff links and pressed suit pants. One vendor even gave him a free game for being the "best dressed." How hilarious is that? All in all, we had a blast and I will probably do it again next year. My price will be double though because Mason will be old enough to know what is going on and want to participate. I guess I shouldn't complain though.
I just need to stop having kids or forever hold my whines!

1 comment:

Erica said...

I haven't been to the fair in ages - I bet my kids would love it as much as Tylie did! Love the pictures :o)