Friday, May 1, 2009

Rough Life

Yesterday Jake was trying to help Tylie to understand how many blessings she has on a daily basis. He was explaining to her about the swine flu and how many people are getting sick throughout the world. He was telling her how a lot of people are having a "rough time" right now and we need to pray for them so Heavenly Father will help them get better. At the time she was completely disenchanted by the whole conversation and told him that she did not like that story and told him she would rather hear a princess story. Sigh!!! We are going to have to work on her compassion for others. At the time, Jake chalked it up to a waste of breath but she somehow internalized some of what he told her, the concept she caught on to is still questionable. She came up to me the next day and told me that she was having a "rough life." I laughed, rolled my eyes, and told her to go play in her room while I finished scrubbing the toilet. Yeah, whose having the rough life now??? The one complaining about a rough life with a balloon and baby doll in her arms or the one elbow deep in toilet water with an itch on her nose? As I was watching Tylie throughout the rest of that day and thinking back on some of the things that she had to put up with this last month, I began to think that she has a point. She has had to tolerate quite a few things this last while that only a special person could handle.

Helping dad with the daunting task of blowing out his candles on his birthday. It takes a lot of work to breathe in and out on a daily basis and to freely give up some of that precious air for her daddy is selfless beyond words!

Wearing grandma's glasses so papa wouldn't feel alone in the fact that his eyes were not as good as they were many years ago. Tylie will go to great lengths to make others around her feel comfortable. You can clearly tell that she does not enjoy playing with grandma's glasses- this is obviously solely for grandpa's feelings.

Sleeping in her brand new "princess" bed that she got. She is so sharing that she does not want to leave mommy out so she invites me every night to sleep in her special bed because she knows what a privilege it is. It can get a little squishy with two in a single bed but she doesn't mind. And believe me, she takes up her half ( or three quarters) of the bed.

Playing at the park with friends and getting a small hint of a sunburn on her shoulders. Don't worry- we have worn a band aid on the tops of our shoulders for several days and I think we should be over this drama soon. Kat- You were right! I should have remembered the sunscreen. Next time I am just going to turn back and get it!

Soaking our feet in a warm bubbly foot bath after being on our feet all day at the park. She was able to pass the time with cartoons though so the experience wasn't too dreadful for her.

And finally, wrangling up some of the local wildlife that roams our little part of the country. We are sure glad that Tylie and Mia were there because I just don't know what we would do if they weren't there. That barb wire fence can only go so far.

I am really starting to get worried about her. Today she went to the park with aunt heather, made cookies, played with daddy, got a special treat from uncle Josh. She was so worn out from all the excruciating work that she finally just passed out in my bed, my hair in her hand stroking her face, and fell asleep. I carried her to bed hoping that maybe tomorrow would get better. If any of you have any suggestions for her we would sincerely appreciate and advice you can give us. At this rate, I just don't know how much longer she will last!


Celeste said...

She is so funny! I love it!

I got your message about pics...let's do it! What's your schedule like? Email me:

Erica said...

I loved the part about you being up your elbows in toilet water and having an itch on your nose! Hilarious!! And next time, Ang, I will FOR SURE call you when I'm down your way - I would love to hang out! :o)