Friday, May 22, 2009

Medicine anyone?

Have you ever felt like you are in one continuous battle that no matter how hard you fight you always turn around just to be faced with another nemesis towering over you? Or have you felt like it took everything you had to climb up a hill and just when you start to rejoice, you look up and see a Mount Everest blocking your path yet again? This is how I have felt this last week and today I feel like I have hit the peak of frustration. I have been terrified ever since this "swine flu" has made it's rampid presence in our state. I felt ok when it was confined to the mountains of Park City but when I heard that it had hit a few Lehi schools, just a few miles away from me, I was ready to barricade myself in my house and start to live off the food storage that I have been trying so hard to gather. Even though I wanted to start searching my house for plywood and nails, Jake calmly reminded me that I was being ridiculous and we just needed to be more diligent in washing our hands and staying away from places we know are germ cess pools (i.e nursery/primary). I had just started to calm down when Mason came down with this deep cough and was tugging on his ears constantly. I took him in to the pediatrician and was reassured that it was only ear infections and a cold. Nothing that good ole amoxicilin won't remedy. I had that doctor check Tylie too and he said that it looks like she had it but was battling it on her own and was already well on her way to recovery. A few days later, Jake came home late at night and started a hot bath at 1:00 in the morning. Jake is not the type of man that enjoys long soaks in the tub so I knew that something was up. He came to bed with a raging fever and a headache that kept him up all night. He stayed home from work the next day hoping that this would pass quickly. Everybody seemed to be feeling a little better by Thursday until Tylie decided to roll around on our fresh cut loan and broke out into hives all over her body. I was able to give her some allergy medicine to curve the itch and anxiously watched her to make sure that nothing would start swelling and no new growths would start popping up. By this time, I was worn out. After administering antibiotics, benadryl, Excedrin, and a lot of extra hugs I felt like I had put out every fire that could pop up. Yeah right! I was so tired from several nights of both kids waking up at random times that I could not wait to climb in bed and get a solid nights sleep. I rocked Mason to sleep and got him snuggled down, I read Tylie her stories and sang her songs and tiptoed out of the room with a beeline straight to my bed. AHHHHH!! There is nothing like your bed after a day like this. The smell of your pillow, the weight of the blankets on top of you, the soft hum of my husbands breathing as he is peacefully dreaming. I leaned over to click off the light and there is Tylie standing in my doorway, crying. She wants me to sing another song. Sigh. Ok, one more song then no more. I don't think I have ever sang "I love to see the temple" faster in my life. I kissed her goodnight one more time and took that beeline that I had just taken a few minutes before. I snuggled back down,clicked the light, and went to sleep. About one hour later, I woke up with a hand on my face and a foot in my stomach. Somehow, Tylie has slipped into my bed without waking me up and there she was dead asleep, sprawled out in all my comfortable, personal space. I picked her up and put her back in her bed. Then she woke up. I hushed her back to sleep and then Mason started crying. This is when I start to lose it. I feed Mason put him back in bed, climb in bed, and there Tylie is, in my doorway yet again. No, I am not kidding. Believe me, I wish I was. I have tried to bribe her with treats and prizes if she would just stay in her bed but no amount of sugar was working this night. As I stared at her little face thoughts start to race through my head. "Is it considered child abuse if I super glue my daughter to her sheets?" "I know it is child abuse to beat my child but maybe I could just beat on Jake for a minute and then I would feel better because he wouldn't be sleeping soundly as I was dealing with this dilemma." "Maybe they won't notice if I just grab a blanket and a pillow and go sleep in the car, I would probably get more sleep." After all these thoughts ran through my head I decided that none of them would work so I would just shew Tylie back to bed one more time and pray that this time would be the last. Why is it that the night I give my child Benadryl she is up more than she ever has been? Isn't that stuff supposed to knock them out? Maybe Benadryl should consider upping the dosage on the drowsy stuff because it ain't working so well! Tylie continued to get up about 4 more times that night so I think I got a total of 20 minutes of sleep and I never got deep enough to dream. When my alarm went off this morning, I was greeted by complete body aches and a sore throat. AWESOME! Could it get any better? I decided it was time to head back to the doctors. I loaded the whole family in the car and we headed off. We walked into the doctors office looking and feeling like a bunch of homeless bums. Actually that is the way I looked but Jake was complete with cuff links and gelled hair. No matter how bad he feels, he will never go out into public "dressed down". We received a fresh round of antibiotics and hope that we would see another day. After taking a day of rest, I think that things are looking up. I am about to go to bed and I can only hope that they antibiotics will have more of an affect on Tylie than the Benadryl did!

Tylie kept telling me that she needed the car keys because her and pink baby were going to for a ride. I asked her who was driving. She stopped and thought about it and told me she was because pink baby is too little to drive. Of course!

Mason loves to be outside! And daddy loves to be with Mason.

Mason will pay Tylie back for this in a few years. I think she is just enjoying it while he can't do much about it.


Our Busy and Chaotic Life said...

Just remember that one day they won't be little anymore and that you will "Miss this when its gone" So easy to say after I got a good nights sleep. Hope everyone is feeling better soon. We will be in town for the weekend so I will get a hold of you.

Grandma Sally said...

Ah, the joys of motherhood!
Hang in there sweetie--things will get better when the kids get older---and then the fun begins! Ha!

Celeste said...

OOOOH - yuck! When it rains it pours, right? I'm sorry it's been such a rough week! I hope everyone starts feeling better soon!

Erica said...

Oh, heavens! I feel for you! I was so grateful this morning when I could go and take a shower before church because it was something I could do BY MYSELF! I just keep trying to remind myself that yes, someday the kids will be grown and won't want mommy all the time. And I loved the part about how fast you sang "I love to see the temple!" Classic! Hope you all get well soon!

Kristy said...

Hang in there Andrea! I have been there with Clint and Makayla being sick but not all of us yet ... (knock on wood!!)

Kat said...

I am totally there right now right along side of you! Except minus all the sickness but Mia is up all night these nights, comin in going back comin in going back, its draining and I loose it too. You are way nicer than I am though, I wake kaleb up the second I hear one of them! They actually prefer him at night.I wish I would have known so I could have helped you at all! I hope it gets better. Oh yeah and bull crap on the drowsiness of the medicine, not in this house!