Thursday, April 16, 2009

Holy Poly!

Jake came home from work tonight and gently reminded me that I forgot to take the "Red Box" movies back. I felt so stupid because it was my one single task that he gave me to do today and in all my errands and Tylie "play dates" I simply forgot. So, I instantly grabbed my keys and rushed out to the car. No, I didn't have to grab the movies because they were sitting in the console of my car. I know- I am pathetic! They were in my car and I was at Mcdonalds with a Red Box staring me in the face and I still couldn't pull off getting them back. Anyway, as I whisked down to my local box, I saw that there was a line of about 3 people and I was not about to wait for 3 people to rent their movies to simply return my movies. That would be far too patient for my personality and I was determined that this trip take no more than 5 minutes of my already wasted time. I dashed across the street to the next box and was thrilled to see that nobody was at this one. "Hahaha, stupid people," I thought, "Why aren't they all smart like me and come to the one that nobody is at." I flew into TWO spots diagonally and jammed my car in park. Right when I grabbed my door handle I was met my headlights that I would only recognize a semi to have blaring me in the face. I saw this monster truck slam on it's brakes, put his beast in reverse, and pull in right next to me. "Oh Great! Now I feel stupid. I parked like an idiot and made this poor guy have to reverse just to park next to me." I raced up to the box hoping that I could return my movies and get out of there before I had to face the guy. I sat there tapping my toe impatiently waiting for the stupid machine to register what I wanted to do and then I heard it. A door open, a door close. Footsteps. Breathing. I glanced up and the world around me disappeared. LITERALLY! All I could see was a Polynesian mountain looming before me. Now, usually I love Polynesians, especially when they are dressed in a BYU football uniform but all those feelings were chased away by the look that this guy was bearing into me. My heart was pounding as if it could accompany an entire marching band and I stood there completely forgetting my purpose in my trip. All I wanted to do was scurry back to my hole like a little mouse and hide until the tiger disappeared. Since there were no holes to be found, all I could do was put on a little sheepish face and sigh. "I am so sorry," I said, " I didn't realize that you were coming to the Box. I shouldn't have parked like an idiot." I sat there waiting for my judgment to come, hoping he would pass me off as a small bug that was not worth his energy to squish. Then to my surprise, his eyes lit up and he became as an elf in Santa's toy shop. He stood there asking me what I had rented and if I had any recommendations for him. I kind of giggled to myself and thought it would be funny to recommend some sappy chick flick. I couldn't help myself- it would be hilarious to watch this guy sit through a chick flick. I was finally able to accomplish the job of returning the movies and wished him a good night as I got in my car. I am happy that people are patient and understanding when I do dumb things. I will have to remember that next time somebody makes me mad. After all- a 5'3"white girl can be very intimidating and I need not inflict fear on some poor unsuspecting soul!
Valene- you are the greatest! Thank you so much for teaching me how to french braid. I have practiced several time on Ty and it is getting better. I owe you!

1 comment:

Erica said...

Hilarious! You had me in stitches! What a nice guy he was :o) Cute braids on Tylie, did great!