Thursday, November 20, 2008

What happened???

Have you ever had one of those moments when you look around and wonder how in the heck you got to where you are that very moment. This happened to me the other day and I have been reeling from it ever since. I was driving up to my mom's the other day and Tylie was in the back seat going on and on about things that only Tylie could understand. I glanced in the rear view mirror and I saw this adorable little girl with pigtails smiling back at me. Then I realized that Mason had been cooing in his seat the whole time but I had been so busy listening to Tylie that I hadn't really heard him. That is when it hit me. A moment that I am bound to remember for a long time. I felt like I had warped through time I and was completely stunned that somehow along the way, I had aquired the "american dream" and I did not even realize it. In what seemed like a matter of moments, I had gotten married, had 2 children, built our first home, and became one of those mom's that drove their kids around in an SUV with the back seat full of diaper bags and car seats. It freaked me out! I swear that just the day before I was walking down the hallway at Bingham headed to choir class. At this time of year, we would be preparing for our annual "Candlelight" performance and my biggest stresses would be to make sure that I could stay awake through the rest of my classes until 3:00 when school got out and my day would be over. (How would it be to be done with your day at 3:00???) It truly was a strange moment. I would have sworn to you that someone had locked me in a time capsule and I was just waking up after someone else had lived my life for the past 8 years. I felt like I should introduce myself to Tylie because it just did not seem reasonable that I would have a two year old that called me mom. I felt like I was way to young to be in the situation that I was in. Oh, but then reality hit!!! I am turning 27 this year. The days of Bingham and easy living were long over. I do have 2 kids and a husband and all the responsiblilties of the average adult. It just always seemed like having my own family and owning my own home was an unattainable goal when I was younger. And then somewhere down the line, it just happened with out me realizing what was happening. Well, whatever steps it took to get me where I am, I am thrilled. But it is a crazy feeling to have those moments when you realize where you are in life. I wonder what kind of moment I am going to have when I am helping Tylie into her wedding dress or standing at the airport waving goodbye to Mason and he leaves on his mission. I can only hope that I am just as happy with my life as I am now.

1 comment:

Erica said...

Such cute pictures of your sweet family! It is kind of a reality check when these sweet little faces are calling you "mom" and want no one else when something is bothering them. You and Jake are amazing parents - Tylie and Mason are lucky, lucky kids! :o) Have a great Thanksgiving, Ang!