Friday, October 15, 2010

Stupid editor, leave me alone!

So.... Jake was mocking me last night because he said that my blog entries are too long. He states that people don't give a flying leap about what I have to say and they only want to see pictures. Well, this does not bode well with me because I often write long blogs with no pictures. I tried to attack this disagreement from many different angles. I told him that I blog because I want to be able to look back on my life and laugh when I am fifty years old. I said that if other people read it and enjoy it, Great! If not, whatever. He told me that is what a journal is for, not a public website. I told him that many people have told me that they laughed at some of my stories and they seem to enjoy them. To this he just rolled his eyes. He is not much for public humiliation. We are very different in this way. Then I just waved him off and told him that although he is an editor, he is not my editor. I told him to leave me alone and don't bug me. This is the line I always use when I am exhausted by him and can't carry on any further. So, in honor of Jake, I am not going to tell any fabulous story today or laughable idiocy I performed. I am just going to say that I am sad that fall is here and winter is around the corner. My mom's garden is frost bitten and dying. My children are wearing jackets. My furnace has been kicked on. I am just enjoying that last bit of fresh garden tomatoes while I can before I have to start buying the wax versions at the store.


Erica said...

I love your blog posts, Ang! I tell people that my blog is like my online journal. I've printed my blog posts into books for two years now that my kids look through and enjoy. Keep writing! When you're as talented a writer as you are, blogland would be less fun without you!

judd and ash said...

tell jake that i am siding with you on this one, i love reading your posts...although it is a bit embarrassing that most of our communication is through the computer and we live 15 steps away from each other :) keep the stories coming because i know i will see even less of you now that winter is right around the corner :)

sundeehancock said...

Hi Andrea,
Please tell my brother to back off! I love reading your stories. Everyone needs a creative outlet, and I'm happy that you have found yours. I love you both and can't wait to see you at christmas!